PROBLEM CHECKLIST (Whiteman & Novotni, 1995)
Check all that apply to you.
_____1. I need to learn more about ADD.
_____2. I do things impulsively, sometimes crazy or even dangerous things.
_____3. I am always on the go; I need to slow down.
_____4. I don't know how to handle my emotions and frustrations.
_____5. I need to build my self-image.
_____6. I find it hard to control my temper.
_____7. I need to overcome a substance abuse issue.
_____8. I need help in organizing or scheduling my life.
_____9. I have a hard time putting my tasks in order and doing the most important things first.
_____10. I need help organizing and handling my finances.
_____11. I start things but don't finish them.
_____12. I need help planning my day and following through on that plan.
_____13. I forget things too often.
_____14. As a student, I am having difficulty keeping up with my classes.
_____15. I don't communicate well with others.
_____16. I should be a better listener.
_____17. My closest relationships are in trouble.
_____18. I need a quiet place to work.
_____19. At work, I have difficulty focusing on one thing at a time.
_____20. I don't think I've found the right job for me yet.
Go back over the things you have checked and choose three that stand out as your worst problem areas. Circle these.
Then get a different colored pen or pencil and go through it again with a spouse, family member. or close friend.
What does that person see as your greatest challenges? Circle the top two or three mentioned by this person.
Now, from the issues circled, choose the three you need to work on the most. List them here.
Now go to the "key" (follows) for these particular problem areas to see how you might begin to address them.
Problem Area
1: Education
2: Impulsivity
3: Hyperactivity
4-7: Identity and emotions
8-12: Organization
13-14: Learning
15-17: Relationships
18-20: Work