Every September, with school starting, kids going off to college and business waking up from its summer lull, it’s time to get back in the "swing of things" and organize ourselves for the coming year. One of the most difficult things that all those individuals with ADHD, be they children, adolescents and adults, struggle with is time management. Here we present some practical strategies you can employ to help you and/or your child manage your time better.
Many of these ideas come from a brochure created and distributed by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
How do you develop your own style for managing your time and your work? Self-awareness is key. If you are a parent you may need to help your children become aware of these items. If you are an adult, look inward.
Be aware of your biological rhythms and use them to your advantage, e.g. are you best in the AM/PM, do you work better on a full or empty stomach, etc.
Be aware of the importance of rewarding yourself for progress. Reward accomplishment not intention. Parents can arrange behavior modification programs to help in this process. Adults can ask significant others in their life to help. Divide work into smaller pieces. It will become less overwhelming.
Be aware of the physical characteristics of your work environment. Make it conducive to your concentration. Parents can arrange this for their children, in consultation with them.
Arrange your work area so that your back is to traffic flow
Close your door, open it selectively
Find and use a special space where friends can not find you.
Return phone calls when it is more convenient, turn off the phone or let it go to voice mail.