Edward Hallowell, MD and John Ratey, MD have listed 50 tips or practical suggestions for the management of adult ADHD. These are non-medication suggestions. They are divided into four categories: 1)insight and education; 2)performance management; 3)mood management; and 4)interpersonal life.
Interpersonal Life
1. Make a good choice in a significant other.
With the right mate, an ADD adult can thrive.
2. Learn to joke with yourself and others.
The more you can have a sense of humor and be relaxed you can be with your symptoms such as getting lost, being tactless, forgetfulness, the more others will be able to be forgiving.
3. Schedule activities with friends.
Adhere to these schedules faithfully. Keeping connected to people is critical.
4. Find and join groups.
People with ADD find great strength from group support. They feel liked, appreciated, understood and enjoyed.
5. Don’t stay too long where you aren’t appreciated or understood.
ADD people become drained and demoralized by negative groups.
6. Pay compliments.
Notice other people. Work on building your social skills. Using a coach enhances this.
7. Set social deadlines.
Just as you set dates and deadlines and structure other parts of your life, do so with your social life. Keep up with your social calendar. This will help you keep in touch with friends and the kind of social support that you need.