What Parents and Teachers Want From Each Other
August is when we begin to prepare our children for school. With our ADHD children, we want to give them every opportunity to be successful. The National PTA offers the following insights into what parents and teachers want for each other. This is true for all children.
1. 10 Things Teachers Wish Parents Would Do
2. 10 Things Parents Wish Teachers Would Do
10 Things Teachers Wish Parents Would Do
1. Be involved. By being involved, you help your child’s teacher help your child to succeed. Your child will learn more as a result.
2. Provide resources at home for learning. Use your local library. Read with your kids whenever you can. Have books, newspapers, magazines available around the house.
3. Set a good example. Show your children that you believe reading to be enjoyable and useful by your actions. Read! Also, monitor your child’s use of television and video games.
4. Encourage your children to do their best in school. Show your child that you believe school to be important and that you want them to do their best.
5. Value education and seek a balance between schoolwork and outside activities. While outside activities such as sports, dance, scouts, are worthwhile experiences, emphasize that the importance of gaining skills and knowledge are necessary for success in school and in life.
6. Recognize factors that take a toll on students’ classroom performance:
-Consider the possible negative affects of long hours at after-school jobs or extracurricular activities. Maintain a balance between school responsibilities and outside commitments.
-View drinking and excessive partying as serious matters. These include illegal drugs, over-the-counter drugs, alcohol and other common substances such as inhalants.
7. Support school rules and goals. Take care not to undermine school rules, goals and discipline.
8. Use pressure positively. Don’t set goals for your children that are too high or by over-scheduling them. This can put undue pressure on them.
9. Call teachers early if there is a problem so that there is still time to solve it. Don’t wait for the teacher to call you.
10. Accept responsibility as parents. Don’t expect the school and the teachers to take over parental obligations. Teach basic respect and discipline at home–don’t expect the school to teach these basic behaviors and attitudes.
10 Things Parents Wish Teachers Would Do
1. Build students’ self-esteem by using praise generously when appropriate while avoiding ridicule and public criticism.
2. Get to know as much as you can about each child’s needs, interests and special talents as well as the way that each child learns best.
3. Communicate often and openly with parents. Contact them early about academic and emotional problems. Don’t be defensive when discussing school problems.
4. Assign meaningful homework on a regular basis that helps children learn. Provide direction to parents as to how they can work with their children to make the most out of the homework activities.
5. Set high academic standards for all students. Expect them all to learn and help them to do so. Research has shown that when children are expected to learn, they do.
6. Vary your teaching methods. Make learning challenging and relevant to children and their world.
7. Care about children. Children learn best in an atmosphere that is warm, friendly, caring and enthusiastic.
8. Treat all children fairly and don’t play favorites.
9. Enforce a positive discipline code based on fair clear rules that are established at the beginning of the school year. Be sure to reinforce positive behavior rather than just punish negative behavior.
10. Reach out to parents to involve them in their children’s education. Show them how they can help their children at home. Remember that parents want to work with teachers as members of a team to help their children learn best.