WIT WON is an anagram to help you remember the six steps toward resolving conflicts and managing anger. It can be found in Michele Novotni's book, "What does everybody else know that I don't?"
1. Wait! Select the best time to express your anger. This can be the toughest part. Count to ten, walk away, anything to give you a little breathing space.
2. 'I' messages. Rather than accusing the person at whom you are angry, speak in terms of 'I'. "I am upset", "I am concerned," "I got angry when you said...."
3. Tell your story. Keep focused on the key issue. Avoid bringing in past hurts or other things.
4. 'Wish statement' "Next time , I wish you could..." or Could you do or say.... next time?" Let the other person know what you would like from them.
5. Other side. Be sure to listen to what the other person has to say. Use your active listening skills so you know exactly what they said and what they meant.
6. Negotiation. Figure out a solution together.
This procedure is effective when you work hard to step back from your anger. Even if it doesn't work the first time, keep at it, you'll get better at it the more times you try. Keep your wits, and use your head so you can say, "my WIT WON!"